New design or redesign of exisiting product or part
Wrico engineers scrutinize every detail of your design from concept and trouble-shooting through pre-production to full production. Wrico assures you’ll benefit from our optimized manufacturing and cost efficiencies.
Starting with your drawing or sample our CAD programmers and toolmakers use the latest CAD/CAM software to assist in developing the most cost effective solution for manufacturing your part. Current software includes AutoCAD® and Striker®, SolidWorks® and SurfCAM®, UniGraphics®, Pro/E®, and FG CAM® (Mazak 3D). We can work with most types of CAD files including IGES, DWG, DXF, Parasolid, and PRT to name just a few.
Using these software tools streamlines the process of getting your part from concept to prototype to production in the shortest amount of time. Your part designs are instantly downloaded from our CAD systems and allow for easy & fast design changes. That way parts can be ready in just few short days from approval. Each Wrico facility has a complete CAD system and Engineering team ready to assist and provide answers.